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Richardson Memorial Library: Databases

Introduction to the Richardson Memorial Library's encyclopedic holdings, auction catalogs, artists files, online resources, and corresponding research strategy tips.

EBSCO Discovery Service™ (EDS)

EBSCO Discovery Service™ (EDS) provides simultaneous discovery to the Library's LOCATE catalog, abstracting and full-text databases across multiple database platforms. 

Please note that EDS includes access to EBSCO's Anthropology Plus and Art and Architecture Source databases, to Taylor and Francis electronic journals, to the A+Ae Portal, and to ProQuest's Art, Architecture & Design Collection. 


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   Museum access only

   Open access

   SLAM login for remote access

Yale's Ebooks



Subscription Databases

This list includes various online resources, including image and full-text databases, indexes, and vocabularies. Resources are selected based on use by staff, volunteers, and the general public. 

For full list of databases, see Databases A-Z
