The following list serves as guidance for cleaning out your office files in preparation of a new office move or departure from SLAM employment. Please consult with department heads if you’re uncertain about which files should be retained. The Archivist and Custodian of Records (CoR) should be consulted for disposition questions.
When records are destroyed, the CoR shall note in a record subject to permanent retention schedule, such as minutes, the description and quantity of each record series disposed of, manner of destruction, inclusive of the date occurred and the date on which destruction was accomplished. If the CoR is unsure whether a document should be destroyed, the CoR should consult with the Museum’s legal counsel and the Local Records Board, if necessary.
Litigation Hold: All departments will comply with the Record Retention Schedule, except where destruction of specific records is suspended for pending, ongoing or threatened litigation, government proceedings/investigation, audits, or other reasons determined by the Museum’s legal counsel. Federal and state law prohibit the destruction of documents which may contain information relevant to pending or ongoing investigations, litigations, and similar proceedings. If staff are aware of a potential, pending or ongoing investigation, litigation or similar proceeding which concerns their records, they must immediately notify the CoR and suspend any destruction of documents.
Records designated as permanent on the Records Retention Schedule are transferred to the Museum Archives when no longer of use to the originating department. Staff wishing to transfer records should fill out this form and prepare a folder-level inventory in an Excel spreadsheet. The form and spreadsheet should be emailed to the Archivist before transferring records.